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This premises to reform is located at Avinguda d'Alcoi, 03560, El Campello, Alicante, on the ground floor. It is a local, built in 1992, which has 177 m2.
Commercial premises distributed over 3 floors according to attached plans. Ideal for offices, beauty salons, classrooms,... The premises have a chamfered façade facing two streets. It is under construction, that is to say, it does not have flooring installed, partitions,...Located in El Campello, very close to the municipal market, Town Hall, sports center, swimming pool, Local Police, parking areas, green areas,... it is an area of expansion. 1 km approx from the beach.
It has a concrete structure, southeast orientation, exterior, aluminum windows, corner, bright, stairs, warehouse and basement.
Percan Real Estate. First Brand in Homes for rent and sale El Campello
If certain characteristics are not displayed, you can always contact the seller. |