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The surface area of the land is 4,088 sqm. There are three adjoining cadastral plots for industrial use.
In the industrial estate of Más Baló in the municipality of Riba-Roja de Túria.
An area of great business activity, and excellent location due to its proximity to the A3 (Valencia - Madrid) and A-7 (Alicante - Barcelona).
The urban planning regulations of the land:
∙ Maximum buildability: 0,80m²t/m²s.
∙ Minimum plot size: 1.000 sqm.
∙ Minimum frontage: 20 meters
∙ Side setback: 5 metres
∙ Front setback: 10 metres
∙ Maximum cornice height: 11 metres (3 heights).
Services available:
∙ Public lighting network
∙ Sewage system
∙ Natural gas network
∙ Drinking water
∙ Electricity supply
∙ Optical fibre
∙ Waste management
Logistics, industrial and investment projects.
Find more at www.tpfconsultora.com
Property type | Land |
Lot size | 4.088m2 |
If certain characteristics are not displayed, you can always contact the seller. |
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