Acasa10 gestiona la venta de esta nave industrial en el Polígono La Ermita en el municipio del Viso de San Juan. La nave tiene 200m2, con almacén y un baño. Tiene varios puntos de luz repartidos por toda la nave, también trifásico.
¡Llámanos y te informamos! Tlf.: 925 672 893
Acasa10 siempre junto a ti
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Listing features
Property type
Industrial property
If certain characteristics are not displayed, you can always contact the seller.
This home valuation is Realo's estimate market value. It is based on an extensive set of data of this house and its neighbourhood.
This estimate was hidden at the owner's request.
The energy performance certificate (EPC) informs potential buyers and tenants about the energy performance of the home by means of a code on a scale ranging from very energy efficient (green) to non-energy (red).