⭐️ Great Room with a PRIVATE BALCONY, bright with views at the sea in the center of Cabanyal district. 5 min walking to the beach ! 📌 Double bed (135cm), big closet, nice desktop to study or work... watching at the sea ! Smart TV in the bedroom, Ethernet for high speed Internet (up to 1 Go) and WiFi. You'll enjoy a shared kitchen space, and 2 shared bathrooms. The flat has great qualities, and has been refurbished recently. The room is for 1 person only. --- Habitación fantástica, con terraza privada con vistas al mar. Habitación doble luminosa, que cuenta con una cama doble (135cm), un armario amplio de 3 puertas, un escritorio y silla para estudiar o trabajar.... mirando al mar ! Smart TV y toma ethernet en la habitación + WiFi. Piso reformado.
Tipo de propiedad | Apartamento |
Dormitorios | 1 |
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