Se vende amplio local de 95m2 en Calle Euskal Herria de Ibarra.
Se compone de un ampio espacio diáfano de barra y zona de mesas, un espacio para office y cuartos de baño. Tiene un gran ventanal a la calle principal.
Se trata de una antigua cafetería, en la actualidad no tiene licencia. Reforma necesaria.
Ideal para cualquier tipo de negocio, zona de mucho tránsito de gente.
Ref. Nº VRA128
Listing features
Property type
Lot size
If certain characteristics are not displayed, you can always contact the seller.
This home valuation is Realo's estimate market value. It is based on an extensive set of data of this house and its neighbourhood.
This estimate was hidden at the owner's request.
The energy performance certificate (EPC) informs potential buyers and tenants about the energy performance of the home by means of a code on a scale ranging from very energy efficient (green) to non-energy (red).