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Sunny Home presents this spacious and bright flat with views to the cliff that will fill your life with peace, it has two bedrooms, open plan kitchen, living room and bathroom and the best of this property, a terrace of almost 20m2, the flat is located at a height of first floor, has a total area of 95 m2, counting the terrace and is ready to move in.
The cliffs of Los Gigantes live up to their name, as they are one of the most spectacular landscapes of Tenerife. Located on the west coast of the island of Tenerife, Los Gigantes rise majestically above the sea in the form of vertical rocky walls that, at some points, reach a height of 600 metres. As far as the eye can see, this natural wonder provides a panoramic view that awakens the senses and extends along a large part of the coastline.
Los Gigantes extends from the port of Los Gigantes to Punta de Teno, at the westernmost tip of the island, giving life to this spectacular basaltic wall of volcanic origin.
A very quiet and safe area to live or spend your weekends or holidays.
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