The professional fees charged to the BUYER, for the services listed below, are 2% of the price, with a minimum of €2,000 (VAT apart, in any case)
BUYER SERVICES: Covered under the code of ethics of COAPI/ASAPI Jaén and the Code of Ethics of the Realtor of SIRA.
1. Management of visits (face-to-face or online), prior telephone information about the properties.
2. Analysis of the properties visited and their compatibility, in relation to the Claimant's request and their specific external circumstances.
3. Comparative analysis between the properties visited and other similar properties available on the market. If necessary, personalized property search among the portfolios of our Collaborating Agents and/or private properties.
4. Initial study of the financial viability of the operation based on the capacity of the Claimant.
5. Legal and tax advice specific to the operation.
6. Intermediation in the negotiation between the parties
7. Formalization of private contract. Adhesion to Notary Arbitration, if both parties so wish.
8. Notarial processing of the sale.
The price of the offered property will be valid for one week. Not included in the purchase price are: notarial and registry expenses, taxes (ITP and AJD), nor fees and/or brokerage, financing and management commissions.
We remind you that as a consumer you have the right to be given the corresponding informative documentation, as the case may be, at the offices of + Hogar Asesores Inmobiliarios, based on the provisions of Decree 218/05 of October 11, which regulates the Regulation of Information to the Consumer in the purchase-sale and rental of housing in Andalusia.
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Swimming pool
Listing features
Property type
Energy classification
Renovation Obligation
If certain characteristics are not displayed, you can always contact the seller.
This property has
a good
mobility score, based on the distance to nearby amenities.
Train station
Bus station
Jaén City center
Highway exit
2.6km away
Neighbourhood rating
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Realo Estimate®
Estimate your property online. Find a real estate professional to assist you or receive the estimation report for the property at Calle sevilla, 7, Peñamefecit - Estación, Jaén, 23009.
Estimate your property online. Find a real estate professional to assist you or receive the estimation report. Each report includes local market trends, neighborhood information, and recent sales and rentals nearby. Order online, and you can immediately download your report.
This home valuation is Realo's estimate market value. It is based on an extensive set of data of this house and its neighbourhood.
This estimate was hidden at the owner's request.
The energy performance certificate (EPC) informs potential buyers and tenants about the energy performance of the home by means of a code on a scale ranging from very energy efficient (green) to non-energy (red).