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Boutique Inmobiliaria Just Oliver , sells this rural house in Rocafort de Queral. Located in this small village of the Conca de Barberà, 10 km from Santa Coloma, 21 km from Tàrrega and 16 km from Montblanc. It has about 250 inhabitants, bank services, public school, sports field, football pitch and shooting range... VILLAGE WITH OPTICAL FIBRE and with a tradition of wine and inland tourism.
The house is distributed with a wide entrance and an underground floor with the possibility of making a nice wine cellar.
On the first floor there is a large living-dining room, kitchen, bathroom and a double bedroom.
On the second floor there are four bedrooms, two of them are double and a large bathroom. It also has a terrace with mountain views.
If you want to visit it do not hesitate to contact us!!!
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