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This land located in Murcia is specifically in the area of Santomera.
It has more than 100,000 m² of available area with a maximum buildable area of 140,958 m².
It is a very attractive location, thanks to its proximity to the A-7, the Mediterranean highway that connects Alicante - Valencia - Barcelona. An optimal location for the development of logistics and industrial activity.
Likewise, the plot borders:
· To the north with the CV-868 road,
· To the south with the service road of the A-7 highway,
· To the east with the Province of Alicante, and
· To the west with the MU-414 road.
Initially approved the Partial Plan CB-01 by the City Council of Santomera, the project developed on this plot can reach:
· A maximum cornice height of 18.50 meters.
· A maximum of 5 floors (first floor + 4).
Contact us if you want more information about this land.
Logistics, industrial and investment projects.
Find more at www.tpfconsultora.com
Property type | Land |
Lot size | 112.116m2 |
If certain characteristics are not displayed, you can always contact the seller. |