Bungalow reformado sin vecinos arriba en venta en Torrevieja cerca del Carrefour.
Este bungalow reformado tiene 2 dormitorios, un baño con ducha, un salón con zona de comedor y una moderna cocina integrada. Junto a uno de los dormitorios se encuentra un espacio de oficina. En la parte delantera se encuentra una soleada terraza de 20m2 con rincones para sentarse y tomar el sol y un trastero.
La propiedad se encuentra cerca de todos los servicios, a 10 minutos de Carrefour, Mercadona, etc. Centros comerciales Habaneras, a 15 minutos de la playa (3km).
Torrevieja era originalmente un pequeño pueblo con la pesca como ocupación principal. Además, la ciudad es conocida por sus dos grandes lagos salados. Uno de estos lagos salados es un área protegida. La naturaleza que rodea el lago está intacta y ha creado una hermosa zona para practicar senderismo, y también es una "zona de descanso" popular para las aves que vuelan entre el norte y el sur de Europa. Además, en el lago suele haber grandes bandadas de flamencos. Del otro “lago salado activo” se producen anualmente entre 600 y 700.000 toneladas de sal. Este lago salado también es conocido por su espectacular color. Cuando el sol brilla sobre el agua durante el día, el agua adquiere un color púrpura/rojizo.
Renovated bungalow with no upstairs neighbors for sale in Torrevieja near the Carrefour.
This renovated bungalow has 2 bedrooms, a bathroom with shower, a living room with a dining area and an integrated fitted modern kitchen. off one of the bedrooms lies an office space. In the front lies a sunny terrace of 20m2 with sitting and sun corners and a storage room.
The property lies close to all amenities, 10 minutes from Carrefour, Mercadona, etc. Habaneras shopping centers, 15 minutes to the beach (3km).
Torrevieja was originally a small village with fishing as the main occupation. In addition, the city is known for its two large salt lakes. One of these salt lakes are protected area. The nature around the lake is untouched and has created a beautiful area for hiking, and is also a popular “rest area” for birds flying between northern and southern Europe. In addition, there are often large flocks of flamingos in the lake. From the other “active salt lake” is annually produced 600-700.000 tons of salt. This salt lake is also known for its spectacular color. When the sun is shining on the water at daytime,the water gets a purple/reddish color.
Listing features
Property type
If certain characteristics are not displayed, you can always contact the seller.
This home valuation is Realo's estimate market value. It is based on an extensive set of data of this house and its neighbourhood.
This estimate was hidden at the owner's request.
The energy performance certificate (EPC) informs potential buyers and tenants about the energy performance of the home by means of a code on a scale ranging from very energy efficient (green) to non-energy (red).